The Lumenis M22™ Acne treatment
What is it?
The Stellar M22™ Acne solution The Stellar M22™ IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Acne treatment enables your physician to greatly improve your skin appearance, reduce your acne, while at the same time treat the redness and pigmentation of your skin. The unique Stellar M22™ IPL technology utilizes light flashes over the treated area, triggering biochemical response that will eventually eliminate the bacteria within the pores. IPL is a non-invasive solution on inflammatory acne with less collateral effects than oral medication
When will I see results?
During the Stellar M22™ IPL acne treatment, short pulses of intense light are emitted from an applicator onto your skin. The light penetrates through various skin layers and helps eliminate acne bacteria and reduce the inflammation or sebum excess (skin oil) production that characterizes acne. Depending on the acne severity, it may take typically 4-6 sessions with a recess of 4 weeks in between treatments to see improvement on your skin.
Why IPL Acne Solution?
A gentle treatment for inflammatory acne that:
✓ Eliminates bacteria within pores
✓ Improves skin appearance
✓ Is a great alternative for oral medication
✓ Helps you regain self-confidence with minimal downtime, so you can get back to your busy lifestyle in a flash.